Riding the wave of Reflection: Why acknowledging all the emotions this time of year especially is key to mindset change for the new year

Beneath the twinkling Christmas lights and festive foods in our bellies, there comes a time where you may have a moment this winter period where you just sit and feel an overwhelming amount of emotions. It may have happened once or twice already this winter but for me it has come now, sitting with Abs in a café having a Christmas Eve breakfast. The year has provided many challenges for us both on a personal front. Reflection and overwhelm most naturally happens this time of year regardless of what faith or calendar you follow. The dark days can make us feel lower than usual and the lack of energy can really put a strain on us. Be gentle with yourself here.

For me I feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude that I survived it all – the losses, the flare up of my long term condition , the feeling of letting people down because I have had to change my environment and circumstances to suit the current circumstances I live in. It makes me all feel everything , sad that I’ve had to change but happy that I have been able to change.

Sometimes you may think “ How did I survive it all ?“ , “ What did I do to deserve all the challenges and bad luck ? “. If these are some of the questions you are asking yourself, you are not alone. It is a normal human reaction to ask these questions especially when we are striving to make a better life for ourselves. I would urge you to consider asking for professional support , whether that me from your GP, a therapist or coach to help navigate and process these feelings and to also forward plan so you reach your highest potential

In addition, you may a met with questions about how to start the new year or things you want to achieve or acquire in your life. Then comes the anticipation and anxiety of how to tackle all of these things in a world where everyone else seems to be making leaps and bounds without any bumps along the way.

So how do we cope with the feelings of the year gone by ? As unnatural as it may be , sit with yourself and allow these feelings to surface. They may make you feel sad or you may cry some happy tears depending on what comes up first for you. For me, it can be a good ol cry ( sorry for people who can’t deal with emotional people ) , it can be journalling or just talking to a trusted one. The next steps , one which I take to my coaching clients is reframing it all. So the challenge illness or a diagnosis for example can be reframed to “ I need to slow down “, “ I need to take better care of myself and make myself a priority “ , I need to find my own ways of de-stressing “ or “ This is an opportunity to be an advocate for change for this particular illness “.

Now there is and should be a period for feeling it all, sulking , feeling angry or frustrated but in the long term, this can affect our relationships with our loved ones, colleagues and most importantly , our relationship with ourselves. Our ability to live, what we see as within reach for us and what we feel capable of doing is all influenced by our current energy and perspective. Do you see a world of possibility for you or do you see a world of limitations? Do you feel of value and deserving in yourself to go out for the opportunities that comes into your mind ?

We have to see the “ challenges “ as opportunities to grow. I often see my long term condition as a reminder that I need to slow down and also to create draw bridges whereby I am in control of what I let on to the island ( me ).

I wish for you that 2025 brings you peace in your world, good health and rest where you need it . I wish that your energy is one of abundance and possibility.

serena rakha